Weekly Roundup #1

Welcome to the first Weekly Roundup at ForecastOS! We're glad to have you here, following our journey :)

ForecastOS is a new startup. As such, we try to spend 100% of our time either building or selling.

This past week, as it pertains to selling, we:

  • Started the outreach process for our financial AI management offering; if you know anyone we should talk to, please let us know! We are looking to onboard 1 additional POC (proof of concept) client over the next 3 months
  • Started sharing weekly updates as short blog posts called Weekly Roundups instead of internal emails. We'd love for you to follow along and / or share what we're up to
  • Wrote our first blog post on why we created ForecastOS!

This past week, as it pertains to building, we:

  • Added basic search functionality to backtests, features, forecasts, and datasets:
  • Added (portfolio and holdings) hit rate reporting to our backtests:
  • Investigated some reporting deltas between InvestOS and our first POC client
  • Added analytics and uptime reporting to all landing pages and blogs for ForecastOS and InvestOS
  • Registered all sites with Google Webmaster for better indexing
  • Set up Cloudflare for better caching and security

We can't wait to officially launch ForecastOS as a standalone business soon, and we expect to have some exciting updates to share in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!

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